Dust-Sand Test
MIL-STD-810 F/G/H — RTCA DO 160 G

Dust and Sand Test is performed to test the resistance of the sample against the effects of dust closing openings, filling cracks, and clogging filters. MIL-STD-810G standard Method 510.5, one of these standards designed in great detail, includes dust and sand tests. The purpose of this standard is determined as follows:
Dust test, with particle size < 150µm according to MIL-STD-810G 510.5 procedure 1, to test the resistance of the test sample to the effects of dust such as closing openings, filling cracks, entering bearing elements, bearings and joints, and clogging filters. makes.
Sand test is performed according to MIL-STD-810G 510.5 procedure 2, with a particle size between 150 and 850µm, to determine the resistance of the test sample to possible abrasion and surface degradation when stored or operated in sandy and windy environments.
Dust and Sand Testing The MIL-STD-810G standard is used to evaluate all types of mechanical, optical, electrical, electronic, electrochemical and electromechanical devices that may be exposed to sand or dust-laden air environments. If both sand tests and dust tests are to be performed at the same time, the test that is less damaging to the material should be performed first. In other words, dust tests should be applied first, then sand tests.
In order to understand whether this method is suitable for the product or material being tested, it is necessary to take some conditions into consideration. For example, wear of surfaces, disruption of electrical circuits, clogging of openings and filters, contamination of moving parts, reduced thermal conductivity, interference with optical properties, overheating and fire hazard due to limited ventilation or cooling, increased friction between mating surfaces and static and dynamic balance.
Standards and Methods
- MIL-STD-810F Method 510.4
- MIL-STD-810G Method 510.5
- MIL-STD-810H Method 510.7

Enviromental Test Chamber Specifications
1200 mm Toz-Kum Test Kabini
Ölçü | Birim | |
Width | 12000 | mm |
Size | 12000 | mm |
Height | 6000 | mm |
Temperature Change Rate | 3 | °C/dakika |
Humidity Change Range | %20 - %99 | RH |
Wind speed | 0-32 | m/s |
Dust Density | 10,6 | gr/m³ |
Sand Density | 2,2 | gr/m³ |
Turntable Diameter | 10 | metre |
Rotary Table Load Carrying Capacity | 70 | Ton |
2000 mm Toz-Kum Test Kabini
Ölçü | Birim | |
Width | 2000 | mm |
Size | 2000 | mm |
Height | 2000 | mm |
Temperature Change Rate | 3 | °C/dakika |
Humidity Change Range | %20 - %99 | RH |
Wind speed | 0-20 | m/s |
Dust Density | 10,6 | gr/m³ |
Sand Density | 2,2 | gr/m³ |
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