EC 2004/30 Type Approval
All electrical and electronic devices create a certain level of electromagnetic field in their environment. The electrical fields of each electronic device positioned close to each other can affect each other. The resulting interaction (EM radiation) may prevent the devices from working correctly and healthily. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC | Electromagnetic compability) is to ensure that electronic circuits operate correctly when exposed to external EM radiation and to prevent the electronic circuit in question from emitting stray EM radiation. The legal framework on this subject was created by regulation No. 2014/30/EU and certain requirements were determined for the marketing of electrical devices in which the EMC concept is important in design and production.
All electrical devices create a certain level of electromagnetic field and are included in the scope of EMC. However, some devices are not included in this regulation. Some of these are those:
Ø Aircraft, their components and the communication and control devices used in their operation, etc. All kinds of electrical and mechanical equipment included in this scope are exempt from the regulation.
Ø Radio equipment for amateur use designed and manufactured not to be placed on the market
Ø Yönetmelik kapsamına dahil olan telsiz ve telekomünikasyon cihazlarıyla kullanılmak üzere tasarlanan fakat elektromanyetik emisyon üretmeyen donanımlar
Ø Equipment that is subject to electromagnetic fault but continues to operate normally
Ø Special evaluation kits designed for research and development activities and used by professionals