High Temperature Test

MIL-STD-810 F/G/H — RTCA DO 160 G

High Temperature Test is performed to determine the resistance of the sample to higher temperatures than natural environmental conditions. The sample placed in the test cabin is kept for an appropriate period of time under suitable high temperature conditions that will be encountered in real use and/or storage conditions. Test The performance of the sample is observed during or at the end of the test, and any errors that occur are recorded.

Three procedures are applied in the high temperature test. Procedure I (Storage), Procedure II (Operation) and Procedure III (Tactical-Reserve to Operation).While all three procedures include temperature conditioning and performance testing, performance tests before and It varies depending on the temperature load during operation. Storage procedure, high temperature storage evaluates their impact on subsequent material performance. Operating procedure, performance evaluates the effects of high temperatures during Tactical standby for operational procedure, high material (usually with transparent or translucent material) immersed in the sun in a temperature environment surrounds) evaluates its ability to become operational in a relatively short period of time.

Since the technical specifications enviromental test chamber are appropriate, tests can be carried out in accordance with military and civilian standards. Tests are carried out in accordance with MIL STD 810, RTCA DO 160 G, especially in the work area.

In order to perform functional tests during testing; In order to prevent air entry/exit, all interfaces of the sample to be tested (communication, power cables, etc.) are removed to the laboratory environment through hermetic passage through the side ports of our High Temperature Test Chamber.

Standards and Methods

  • MIL-STD-810F Method 501.4
  • MIL-STD-810G Method 501.5
  • MIL-STD-810H Method 501.7

Within the scope of our STEST facility located in Ankara, which is an organization accredited by TURKAK, HIGH TEMPERATURE TEST MIL-STD-810G Method 501.4 and MIL-STD-810H Method in accordance with the TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements Standard for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories. We carry out tests accredited according to the 501.5 standard. In order to increase the quality and reliability of your products, you can contact us for your Environmental, EMI/EMC and ATP Testing needs.

Enviromental Test Chamber Specifications



  Drive-In 1 Drive-In 2 Drive-In 3 Drive-In 4 Drive-In 5 Drive-In 6  Measurement unit
Width 6000 6000 9500 12000 15500 21500 mm
Size 4900 4900 4900 4900 4900 4900 mm
Height 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 mm
Humidity Change Range %20 RH ile %99 RH %20 RH ile %99 RH %20 RH ile %99 RH %20 RH ile %99 RH %20 RH ile %99 RH %20 RH ile %99 RH %
Temperature Change Rate 3°C/minute (max) 3°C/minute (max) 3°C/minute (max) 3°C/minute (max) 3°C/minute (max) 3°C/minute (max) °C
Minimum Temperature - 45 °C - 45 °C - 45 °C - 45 °C - 45 °C - 45 °C °C
Maximum Temperature + 80 °C + 80 °C + 80 °C + 80 °C + 80 °C + 80 °C °C



  Air Conditioning Chamber 1 Air Conditioning Camber 2  Measurement unit
Width 1000 2600 mm
Size 1000 2600 mm
Height 1000 2000 mm
Humidity Change Range %20 RH ile %99 RH %20 RH ile %99 RH %
Temperature Change Rate 3°C/minute (max) 3°C/minute (max) °C
Minimum Temperature - 76 °C - 65 °C °C
Maximum Temperature + 150 °C + 80 °C °C

+90 (312) 905 06 90